May 10 2019
Sunday 23rd June, Culburra Beach
BirdLife Shoalhaven invites you to “A Celebration of Lake Wollumboola” to be held on Sunday 23 June from 2pm to 4pm at the Nowra Culburra Surf Life Saving Club, 4 Farrant Avenue, Culburra Beach.
You will be aware of the critical part that Lake Wollumboola plays for the survival of many of our threatened migratory shorebirds and beach nesting birds. But key aspects of the Lake’s significance and ecology are often overlooked. We hope to fill in some of these gaps with a celebration of Lake Wollumboola and the people that have fought for its protection.
As part of her welcome to country, Delia Lowe, Jerrinja Elder, will talk about the significance of the lake for the Jerrinja people over thousands of years.
Kerryn Stephens will lead an interactive session exploring the unique, quirky and unusual aspects of Lake Wollumboola and its inhabitants, occasional visitors and admirers. Kerryn’s involvement with the lake dates back to 1997, when she was part of studies to understand the complexities of the lake hydrology and ecology. Kerryn continued to work with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage until 2013 undertaking a leading role in development of its Estuary Monitoring, Evaluation and Review Program. After studies in media and communication, she continued her connection with the lake, assisting the Lake Wollumboola Protection Association Inc with the development of its website.
This event gives BirdLife Shoalhaven the opportunity to acknowledge the work of the Association, which has fought tirelessly for the survival of this globally significant site. Frances Bray has been the public face of this often acrimonious fight over more than two decades. Her amazing contribution is now to be recognised by BirdLife Australia with the presentation to her of their prestigious Distinguished Services Award. The event will allow her many friends on the South Coast to celebrate this achievement with her.
After afternoon tea, we hope you will have time to visit the new bird viewing platform on the edge of the lake to observe the birds.
For catering purposes, please contact BirdLife Shoalhaven if you plan to come along.We would appreciate a gold coin donation on entry to go towards the costs of the event.
Contact Brett Davis:
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