Mar 12 2017
A Call for Submissions to the “Tattler” Newsletter
This is a call to all of our shorebird (wader) network friends to consider providing us with articles of interest to readers of our newsletter Tattler for the East Asian Australasian Flyway as well as our Shorebirds 2020 Project volunteers and Flyway Partnership readers. We look forward to your contributions no matter how small.
We aim to produce the next edition of Tattler in April 2017, when most migratory shorebirds are on migration to their breeding areas. However we would like to include any interesting stories or reports from birdwatchers and researchers who have been studying shorebirds on migration, at their non-breeding sites as well as unusual sightings (including leg flags). The deadline for contributions is 25 March 2017. Please forward your contributions to
Previous issues of the Tattler can be downloaded from our website.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Liz Crawford
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