Apr 18 2022
AWSG and QWSG have been frustrated by COVID over the last two years regarding the next scheduled Australasian Shorebird Conference (ASC) which was to have been held in Brisbane in 2019 in conjunction with the East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) 11th Meeting of the Partners hosted by the Australian Government. Both face to face meetings have been postponed over the last two years due to COVID and restrictions in travel both domestically and internationally.
We have now resolved to hold a virtual conference so that we don’t have ongoing slippage of this important event in the shorebird calendar, attached is a flyer for the ASC that will be held from 29-30 October and encourage you to save the date. At this stage, we are publicising the conference and would like to have prospective attendees save the dates when it will be held.
Further information about the program, registration arrangements, and call for abstracts will be forthcoming in the near future. We would encourage you to register for Conference when registration is open as we plan to have a great conference and exciting program .
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The AWSG has affiliated groups in every state of Australian and New Zealand. More ..
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